Privacy compliance is a big deal since data processing practices impacts customer trust and regulatory adherence. TerraTrue offers a platform prioritizing privacy compliance, enabling organizations to collect, document, and manage data specifications through a process called a "launch." This process includes an intake of data usage information so that privacy experts can provide the proper guidance to ensure regulatory compliance and protect user data.
Challenge: Adoption for non-linear intake structure
Users faced challenges in understanding and completing launches due to the lengthy and unguided intake process. Based on insights from multiple user interviews, we found that the platform lacked clarity to show the progress of a launch's intake. The confusing interface of the launch intake hindered privacy program managers from gaining adoption of their TerraTrue enabled privacy program. Sales prospects also raised concerns about the launch's complexity. While the flexibility of the launch intake was initially beneficial, it led to a complex and confusing user experience.
How might we bring some process intelligence within the system to guide users on actions and next steps while maintaining feature and logic parity?
Ensuring Feature Parity
The key challenge was to introduce process intelligence into the system to guide users while maintaining feature and logic parity. Given tech constraints and user habits, it was essential to enhance the intake process without removing existing features or disrupting user workflows.
Creating Order from Complexity
The first phase focused on enhancing the launch intake interface to be more intuitive and aesthetically pleasing, without altering the base functionality or logic. Usability tests revealed that each organization and user had unique ways of using TerraTrue, necessitating a balance between flexibility and a more linear progression in the intake process.
The solution involved a refreshed launch summary with modern colors and an updated UI. The interface included clear process grouping, collapsible actionable items, and progress indicators. This redesign aimed to provide users with a clearer understanding of their progress in completing launches while maintaining flexibility based on user type and organization.
The redesigned interface has improved user adoption and streamlined the launch intake process. Ongoing iterations based on user feedback will further enhance the platform's usability and optimize the interface for smaller devices.
By focusing on enhancing the user experience while maintaining feature parity, TerraTrue has made significant strides in improving adoption of the use of Launch Intake as their privacy program platform. This project highlights the importance of iterative design and user feedback in creating user-friendly and effective solutions for complex processes.
Increase in Net Renewal Rate from Q3 2023 to Q4 2023
Increase in active users from Q3 2023 to Q4 2023 in existing orgs
Increase in launch completion from Q3 2023 to Q4 2023